
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Challenge

Perhaps if you've been reading my blog for a while, you've realized that I'm a person who loves a challenge.  I think that's part of why I've survived being a mom for nearly an entire year...yes, my Sweet Pea is almost one!  It's amazing how fast the time flies.  Granted, I don't remember half of it, but I have my previous blog posts to help me remember it all.

As my second year of being a mother begins, I had a thought...really a dare from my husband.  We have saved so much money by using cloth diapers and cloth wipes - as well as making most of our own baby food - that I wonder where else I could save money.  After all, I love to spend money, but I can't spend money I don't have!

So, here's the idea.  For the month of March, I am going to attempt to only make meals with items that I already have in my pantry, fridge, and freezer.  I'm going to attempt to spend nothing - or next to nothing - on groceries (which is usually one of our top expenses).  I'm going to get creative with what I have and what I can do with it.  Now, I'm not saying that I won't buy any groceries.  After all, I can't let the milk and eggs in my fridge last the entire month.  But, I will limit the food that I want to buy and only buy what is absolutely needed (this means taking out that extra trip to the store for the chocolate, soda, or cheese that I want to snack on).

Perhaps you're like me, you like to keep your pantry, fridge, and freezer stocked.  Well, how often do you actually use everything in them?  I realize that there are so many things that I am wasting simply because I want to always keep them stocked.  So, now I'm going to force myself to use them while trying not to make the same thing over and over again.  To begin, I must first inventory the items in my pantry, fridge, and freezer.  Instead of listing all the items, I decided that I'd simply take pictures (listing them would take too long and I'd be quite embarrassed to actually see a written list of the items I've been wasting).





  1. Oh, the joys of modern housing. Your pantry is a vertiable grocery store! I could never find room in my 1912 kitchen to stock up on dry goods. I wish you the best of luck!

  2. Good luck! We tried something similar as we were leaving Italy - got quite a few meals out of it, but still had to throw away a depressing amount of food.
