
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Momma Needs a Night Out!

Everyone needs a night out once in a while.  Whether it's a night on the town or just dinner and a movie, getting away can be a great stress reliever.  However, when a baby's involved, it can also be a stress maker.

The first time I left my child at home with a sitter, I was both excited and terrified.  I had been planning for this event since even before my daughter arrived.  I had a charity gala to attend six weeks after my daughter's due date.  Tickets had been purchased.  I had my formal dress.  I made sure my husband would be available.  Everything was set. daughter arrived in this world and I wasn't sure I'd be able to leave her.

Leaving a child for the first time can be excruciating.  Not knowing how they're going to respond, if they'll eat, if they'll sleep, if it will mess up their schedule, etc. etc. etc.  These are all things that go through your mind (or at least mine).  When preparing for my night out, I knew that I had good babysitters.  They were close friends, but I still worried.  What if something happened?

Looking back on this time, I've learned that worrying just comes with the territory.  Somewhere either before, during, or after the birth of your child - as a mother - you will begin to worry.  The degree to which we all worry will be different, but it's there.  Don't let this worry keep you away from enjoying a night out...hopefully with your hubby or some other girlfriends.

A night out is a great way to remember that you're still human.  Too many times, we spend night after night, day after day, doing things for our new baby and insisting that he/she is too dependent on us - so we just can't get away.  However, those little ones can be quite resilient!  I was SHOCKED to find that my baby could survive three hours away from me (or maybe it was me who could survive without Baby!).  That special night away helped me to feel like an adult and appreciate my time with Baby even more.

So, to all you women who think you can't go out on the town, here's some homework...find some girlfriends, or get that special man cleaned up, plan a dinner, movie, or just drinks out on the town.  You'll find that it's easier to relax than you think. However, if you're still unsure, ease into it...invite those girlfriends over for dinner and a movie at your place!  Whatever you do, make sure you do it for you!  YOU DESERVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. I went to a college friend's wedding 3 weeks after my son was born. And boy did I need it - having grandparents around really helped!
