
Friday, October 8, 2010

So, you're thinking about trying...

Let's face it, staying in shape can seem like an impossible task.  Then, you add the thought of growing another human being inside you - plus all the hormones involved with that - and staying in shape is one of the last things we think about.

Thankfully, there are other people out there who are able to help us!  This is where my friend, and health counselor, Michelle comes in.  Michelle has been counseling men and women around the country about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Now, Michelle is bringing her knowledge and experience to any woman who is thinking about pregnancy, is pregnant, or wants to get pregnant again. Be sure to sign up for Michelle's latest e-course, Building a Baby Ready Body.  This course is sure to provide you with information about how to properly care for your body as you begin to consider pregnancy. 

While you're on Michelle's site, be sure to check out some of her phenomenal recipes.  She's got some amazing foods that are sure to cure any pregnant woman's favorites being the crispy kale chips and the red velvet coconut muffins.

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