
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why Red Robin is great

I love to eat out.  I'm not quite a foodie, but I do appreciate a restaurant with a peaceful ambiance and fine cuisine.  Now, this past statement and the title of my blog may appear to be a paradox but, as many mothers may agree, it is not.

Red Robin, and similar restaurants, is one of the most relaxing places for me to enjoy a peaceful night out with my family or just my daughter and me.  It's peaceful because I cannot hear my daughter screeching over the sound of the music, other patrons, and other kids screeching around us.  It's the perfect place to go when you don't want others to know exactly how loud your child can get when out in public.  It's also perfect because they serve meals that resemble healthy food.  You can order grilled chicken with fruit and vegetables instead of everything fried. 

Now, the games in the waiting area may appear to be distractions which have the ability to cause tantrums at the drop of a dime (or dollar, as inflation seems to have games now costing), but really, who's going to notice your child's tantrum when there are ten other tables with parents worrying about the same thing? 

As a non-parent, my idea of the perfect restaurant would have been that local place with the well-known chef and a wine selection that was longer than the daily-changing menu.  But, let's face it, we roll with the punches and, for the times I don't have a sitter or I'm in desperate need of getting out of the house and in some resemblance of society, Red Robin will do just fine.  It is truly a great restaurant!

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